Franklin Designs


About Us

Visual communication that stimulates deeper awareness, further action and greater sustainability. What is your purpose, it asks?

Graphics design is an art form mixed with the use of psychology. All too often business owners underestimate the importance of identity. A company's brand is not what you present to the consumer, rather the consumers' perception of the company. This perception is malleable in the hands of a talented designer.

With over ten years experience in the field, I have developed a rare creative instinct that results in unique and engaging graphics design.

My expertise include advertising, logo/identity creation and publication design. I tend to complete projects much sooner than the client expects, never compromising the quality of work. I understand and implement the theories of design using a clean, professional style that is certain to stick in the minds of your consumers. I will not do what has been done before. Instead, I will offer your company creative, effective, one of a kind concepts. Let's get started today!

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